This page has Clampspecific Links
and Links of Historical Interest,
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ECV Gazette
IRJR's (pronounced "I are Jay Are's") most excellent, purposely unofficial, ECV Wide Clamper Page. Add you name to the Cyber Census, find a brother in the White Pages, Leave a t_rd in the "Sand Box" -- the lively, ongoing message board. Don't know where to Clamp this weekend? Checkout the Doin's Page and the Chapter Maps.
ECV RingThang
Have an ECV related page? Join the "Ring Thang." From the hysterical to the sublime, from the historical to the scatological: Find it here.
The Dickhead Fan Club
Our favorite ECV charity. Begun in the spirit of those 49er's who took care of their own. It's named after one of our most equal PXL Brothers. Membership in DFC entitles you to a sheepskin, and the right to get up at any 12 Step Meeting and say, "Hi, I'm a Clamper, and I'm a friend of D_ckhead. (Just don't expect to be invited back.)
Santa Clarita Valley History in Pictures
Lebeck's Grave, Fort Tejon, the Grapevine are just a few of the documented images. An extremely well done site with over 3,500 pages by SCV Historical Society. Satisfactory!
Fort Tejon State Historic Park
This is the official State of Cow-Lee-Fonia website for Fort Tejon State Historic Park. Once an Army Base in the middle of nowhere, it remains pretty much centrally located, in the middle of nowhere, at the top of the Grapevine Pass. The park is the final resting place of our Clampatriarch Peter Lebeck. Some say he is buried along side his friend Isadore (IHS), but as they are fond of saying on the History Channel, "We may never know." Ft.Tejon was also the home of the storied, but short lived, U.S. Army Camel Corp. The historical reenactments that take place some weekends are a must see.
Fort Tejon Historical Association
This is the group that sponsors historical renectments at the park. Male and female volunteers demonstrate and explain the life styles of the 19th Century U.S. Army Dragoons and thier families. FTHA also sponsors civil war battle reenactments on some summer weekends.
FTHA's Virtual Tour of Fort Tejon
'Nuf Sed. Check out the pretty pictures. Very well done.