Peter Lebeck Chapter #1866

The Kern County Chapter of E Clampus Vitus ®
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PXL Adheres to These Rules -- Read Them.

P B C   I N I T I A T I O N   P O L I C Y
Board of Proctors of the Grand Council-E Clampus Vitus®, Inc.
Effective: January 16, 2018

The Flag of the State of California



Application for membership in E Clampus Vitus® requires each Poor Blind Candidate (PBC) be sponsored for initiation into this Ancient and Honorable Order. It is the duty of every ECV® Sponsor to present candidates who are worthy; only those who can reflect well upon ECV and work toward improvement of this Order are qualified.

The initiation ritual of our Ancient and Honorable Order is the Hall of Comparative Ovations (HOCO) reading ceremony, and successful candidates are made members of ECV in good standing upon completion of their participation in the HOCO ceremony.

The HOCO ceremonial reading may vary by individual chapter but is based on the original ceremony passed down throughout the years. Each Chapter/Outpost has their own culture and some have developed pre-initiation rituals and traditions that have evolved over time. Each Chapter/Outpost individually determines the scope and intensity of their pre initiation ritual process by which PBCs are deemed worthy. It is the responsibility of each individual Chapter/Outpost to supervise and manage the safety of the PBCs at their individual functions.

Any recognized Outpost of a Chapter must also adhere to these rules and any directives given by the sponsoring Chapter. The sponsoring Chapter must have a representative from the board of the Chapter present at the function of the sponsored Outpost to ensure PBC safety, and compliance with this policy.

Each Chapter/Outpost must utilize appropriately prepared PBC custodians (e.g., Vigilante, Hangman, White Coat, White Shirts, etc.). Chapter/Outpost Officers, PBC Custodians and Sponsors must have read and be familiar with these policies prior to undertaking an initiation of new members, and will be responsible for the PBC until turned over to the PBC custodian. Furthermore, the PBC must fully grasp their role and be of sound mind during the entirety of the pre-initiation and HOCO initiation process and ritual.

Humorous humiliation of PBCs does not mean demoralizing or humiliating prospective candidates. All members of E Clampus Vitus were once PBCs. This process is not just about how we bring in new members, but is more importantly about who we ask to become a member of E Clampus Vitus.

The following requirements are intended to promote unity, fellowship and the preservation of our culture and traditions among Chapters/Outpost of E Clampus Vitus. This policy applies to all members of E Clampus Vitus as it pertains to every PBC, from their arrival at the Clampsite to the completion of their initiation.

The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus®